Bench Flash


1) Fill out the ECU Tuning Information Form. Please be thorough with all details. We utilize this form to ensure we meet your needs and consider your modifications to deliver the best possible results.


Download Form


2) Remove the factory ECU(s) from your vehicle. You may also supply us with a new replacement ECU, but it will need to be coded to your specific vehicle before being sent to us for upgrading.

If you require step-by-step instructions for removing your ECU please contact us before proceeding!

3) Send your ECU(s) along with the ECU Tuning Information Form to us at the address below. Please include your online order number if available. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the tuning process, please contact us!

DME Tuning
15-01 Pollitt Dr
Suite 8A
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

4) We will tune your ECU with upgraded software and ship it back to you in the same day it is received, as long as your shipment is delivered to us by 10:30 AM EST.

We are dedicated to excellence and customer service. Let us know how you like your new tune! We invite you to contact us and share your feedback. We’re always glad to feature your content on our website – you can send any media to


DME Tuning cannot be held responsible for missing any deadlines as a result of the tuning process. If we must meet a deadline – you MUST speak with us to ensure we can meet your expectations.

DME Tuning will always keep your stock/factory ECU settings on-file, so your vehicle can be returned to stock at any time if you so desire.