Step 1: Reading
Click on the Dimsport My Genius Software Download link on the following page to download the application needed for this process Please make sure all antivirus and firewalls are disabled before updating the device. Once the update has been completed, the device is ready to ID the car. Turn the ignition on (BUT ENGINE IS NOT RUNNING) when reading. The fuel gauge will show the level of fuel in the gas tank when ignition is on, and the check engine light will be on. Also, make sure the headlights and A/C are off. Plug the device into the car and choose work. Then select PRT ID. Then choose ID. It will then say the task has successfully completed. Plug the device back into laptop and “download from My Genius” and email the .FPF file to Please include your full name, year and make of car, which stage tune, mods, fuel grade used (ie. 91oct or 93oct) and state if you want additional burble when available. You will receive an autoreply email that indicates we have received your email. Please do not call to get the status of your tune if you haven’t waited the 24-hr period. You will incur a $300 charge for any changes in tuning, burble on/off, dealership update and/or upgrade in stage. Please always revert to the stock tune before dealership visits. If you do not revert to the stock tune before a dealership and they update your car, you will incur a $300 reset fee. Once both steps 1 & 2 are complete, the stock tune is available under work/writing/original on the device. Thank you.
Step 2: Writing
Please save the file attachment sent to you via email and upload it to the device by selecting “upload to My Genius.” Plug the device into the OBD and choose to work, writing and follow the prompts on the device. Make sure the headlights and A/C are off. Make sure the ignition is on (BUT ENGINE IS NOT RUNNING) when writing. The fuel gauge will show the level of fuel in the gas tank when ignition is on, and the check engine light will be on.
Dimsport My Genius Software Download201.675.0030
Hours of Operation: Tues - Friday 10am - 5pmSaturday 10am - 2pmClosed Sundays and MondaysEASTERN STANDARD TIME