Thank you for your purchase. You will need a Windows laptop with Team Viewer installed. You can download Team Viewer from make sure all antivirus and firewalls are disabled before contacting us to setup a time to tune your car.You will need very good WiFi strength and please make sure the car battery is in good health otherwise you will need a battery charger for this process.Please TEXT the number below DURING BUSINESS HOURSwith your full name, year, make, model and which stage tune, burble on/off, cold start on/off in order to get an appointment.Please do not call for an appt as we cannot process this request over the phone.The tuning process will take about 45m-1hr. femto flashing instructions
Here is how the car should be setup when contacting us at your appointment time.
Open drivers door window
Close all doors
Headlights in off Position
Air Conditioner in off Position
Work through drivers door window
Make sure obd cable is connected to car and laptop Ignition is on (engine off)
Make sure the Key FOB is in the car during this process
If your battery is over 3 years old, you will need a battery charger for the process
Please text a picture of your team viewer at your appointment time.